Broad, 以学生为中心的研究生课程包括污染预防方面的研究机会, sustainability, water and air quality, waste water treatment, and land and soil restoration.

Why Study Environmental Engineering at Montana Tech?

这个快速发展的跨学科领域允许学生追求他们感兴趣的环境领域. 一般来说,菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的研究项目与矿业面临的环境挑战有关. However, 研究成果和课程对解决世界范围内的环境工程问题具有普遍的应用价值.

您将受益于11:1的师生比例和非凡的动手学习环境. 这些经历帮助菲律宾十大彩票平台学院环境工程专业的学生在研究和创新解决方案方面赢得了多个地方和国家奖项.

State-of-the-Art Labs & Equipment

通过使用最先进的分析技术的环境工程学位课程,获得操作复杂仪器所需的先进知识和技能, laboratory, and field equipment. 你可以在环境实验课程中使用仪器,并有机会协助教师进行创新研究项目, such as developing living membranes for water quality improvement.

Gain Work Experience

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院环境工程专业的研究生通常有机会在毕业前获得工作经验. Companies such as Phelps Dodge, Kennecott, Marathon Oil, ARCO, EG&G Idaho, Carter Mining, Envirocon, Special Resource Management, and others hire our students during the summer. In these jobs, 学生在具有挑战性和刺激性的情况下与专业人士一起工作,同时遵循个性化的学习课程.

Outstanding Location

Experience and perform environmental engineering tasks, such as water quality measurements and treatments, soil erosion studies, reclamation and restoration project implementation, sediment transport modeling, toxic metal migration prediction and its impact, and air quality monitoring and impact studies. 你也将有无数的机会享受蒙大拿州的户外美景,无论是在比尤内外还是在整个州.

Study Environmental Engineering and Have Fun Too

Get involved in various clubs and organizations on campus, 比如菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的环境工程师或无国界工程师组织. Ski at nearby resorts or in the backcountry. Enjoy southwest Montana’s hot springs. Hike the Great Divide and other trails. Fish in pristine mountain streams.

Research Funded by Leading Agencies

Our professors are some of the best. 他们目前和过去的研究项目都获得了美国国家科学基金会和陆军研究实验室等国家机构颁发的竞争性研究奖.

Thesis and Non-thesis Options

Option A: Thesis

A research thesis is required. 课程计划是必需的,并在学生之间协商确定, the major advisor, and the graduate committee. Depending upon the student’s background, 在科学或工程方面的缺陷课程可能需要作为研究生课程的一部分.

Option B: Non-Thesis

The M.S. non-thesis candidates must complete a total of 36 credits. This includes two credits of graduate seminar, one writing seminar, and three credits of special topics/project. 三十个学分的具体课程将由学生的研究生委员会根据学生的教育目标确定. 学生必须满意地修完所有30个学分才能获得学位. The student must also pass an oral and a comprehensive examination.

Admissions Requirements

Admission generally requires a B.S. in an engineering field. Regular admission into the M.S. program requires a 3.0 or higher GPA in the undergraduate engineering program. Provisional admission into the M.S. program will be considered on an individual basis. 理工科背景的学生也被鼓励申请,并理解背景“工程核心”将成为整个研究生课程的一部分.

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Job Placement Success

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National Competitions, Professional Networking
Montana Tech Engineering
See why students choose Montana Tech for a masters in Environmental Engineering.

What is Environmental Engineering?

环境工程包括工程学、数学、生物学、化学和地质学. Environmental engineers understand, address, and develop solutions to complex environmental problems, such as climate change, global warming, disaster preparation and remediation, air and water pollution, source water protection, hazardous waste, and environmental legislation, regulation, and policy development.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Environmental Engineers Do?  

环境工程专业毕业生的就业机会正在迅速扩大. National concerns such as cleanup and disposal of hazardous wastes, air toxins, indoor air quality, ground water contamination, 受干扰土地的开垦也促进了环境工程职业的发展. Past placement of graduates has been 100 percent.

The Montana Tech Environmental Engineering Program was a great fit for me. 它提供了一个广泛的视角,以了解环境行业的各个方面,并为我提供了在我选择的任何道路上取得成功的工具. As a business owner, 我尽可能多地雇用菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的毕业生,因为他们已经准备好投入工作. Their work ethic, problem-solving ability, and willingness to learn make them a great investment in our company’s future.

Josh Vincent, BS Environmental Engineering, 1997 Founding Partner & Principal Engineer, Water & Environmental Technologies, Inc.

Explore Classes & Research in Environmental Engineering

There are opportunities for graduate research in the areas of air, water quality and pollution control; hazardous waste minimization, treatment, and control; and waste cleanup. Specific areas of current research include the water chemistry of heavy metals, and hazardous organics; ground and surface water modeling; air emission inventories; biosorption of heavy metals; wetland research, land reclamation, atmospheric diffusion processes; and cleanup of "RCRA" and "Superfund" sites.

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We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Kumar Ganesan
Professor/ Department Head
(406) 496-4239